The System Usage gives you an overview of the load on the Device including CPU, memory, pending messages in processing queue ( Work List), file/ connection handles and a total load indicator. 系统使用率使您能够大致了解设备上的负载情况,包括CPU、内存、处理队列中处于等待状态的消息(工作列表)、文件/连接句柄以及总负载指示器。
Two seconds later, as the suspend() timeouts expire, the first request is retrieved from the pending queue and resubmitted to the ContinuationServlet. 两秒后,当超过suspend()的时限后,将从等待队列中检索第一个请求,并将其重新提交给ContinuationServlet。
The e-mail processor uses the mailouts class to retrieve the pending e-mail, then uses it again to delete the pending messages from the queue. 电子邮件处理程序使用mailouts类检索未处理的电子邮件,然后再次使用它从队列中删除未处理的电子邮件。
Pending message queue did not empty within the specified time. 挂起消息队列未在指定的时间内清空。
Issued certificate log and pending certificate request queue 颁发的证书日志和待定证书申请队列
After the event being processed, next pending event in the queue is pumped again and continues the next round of cycle. 事件处理后,队紧跟着的下一个事件再被抽出并继续下一轮的循环。